34th years OLD!

Alhamdulillah.. finally On January 24th to be exact, I turned 34. Yes, 34.. wow.. quite a lot of number for age, right? or not? Well, I'm so grateful for what I've got now, at 34. Never came across my mind probably 5 years ago that I will be what I am right now at age 34. wishes happy fam with smart son n kindly hubby. Of course, at this age.. I have wishes for myself.. to be a better muslimah, sholehah wife, good mommy for my son and the most important is I can be more istiqomah and never stop digging and learning about Islam to enrich my love to Allah SWT and Rasulullah SAW. Aamiin.. I'm working hard on changing a lot in my life. I'm sure that's quite apparent to many of you. In particular, one thing I'm working diligently on changing is this horrible habit of mine to postpone just about everything.I rarely wait until any academic deadline to start something. However, being this diligent in my studies deceives me into believing that I'm not a procra...